Sleeping In by Postal Service c am f g (it's really easy!) c - 0-3-2-0-1-0--| am - 0-0-2-2-1-0-| f - 1-3-3-2-1-1--| g - 3-2-0-0-3-3--| "lead" part e|------------| e|--------------------| b|8-----------| b|----------13/12-----| g|--7-7------9| 3x g|----7-7-----------7-| d|--------10--| d|10------------------| a|------------| a|--------------------| e|------------| e|--------------------| at the last chorus, acoustic guitar e|--------| b|--------| g|--5---5-| etc. d|--------| a|3---3---| e|--------| c Last week i had the strangest dream am Where everything was exactly how it seemed f Where there never any mystery g on who shot john f kennedy c It was just a man with something to prove am Slightly bored and severely confused f He steadied his rifle with his target in the center g And became famous on that day in november c Dont wake me i plan on sleeping am Dont wake me i plan on sleeping in f Dont wake me i plan on sleeping g Dont wake me i plan on sleeping in c And then last night i had that strange dream am Where everything was exactly how it seemed f Where concerns about the world getting warmer g The people thought they were just being rewarded c For treating others as they like to be treated am For obeying stop signs and curing diseases f For mailing letters with the address of the sender g Now we can swim any day in november c Dont wake me i plan on sleeping am Dont wake me i plan on sleeping in (now we can swim any day in november) f Dont wake me i plan on sleeping g Dont wake me i plan on sleeping in c Dont wake me i plan on sleeping in am Dont wake me i plan on sleeping f ooh - oh-oh-oh, ooh- oh-oh-oh-oh-oh g oh... *my first tab.... not sure if the picking is all right, but i knwo teh chords are! aim: acoustictriumph if you've got anythng to talk about!* play it well!