Dodging Bullets by Pissing Razors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DODGING BULLETS - Pissing Razors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed By : Thew e-mail: Pissing Razors were pretty massive in '98 when their first record came out, they were over Metal Hammer, but now nobody cares about them anymore! Booo! Anyway, here's one of coolest songs ever, Doding Bullets. Booya. Tuning: Standard Verse G|----------------------------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------------------| E|0-3-3-0-4-4-0-3-3-0-4-4-0-0-0-0-0-3-3-0-4-4-0-3-3-0-4-4-0-000-0-| x2 Guitar break G|----| D|----| A|----| E|0---|x1 Second guitar break Listen to the song, you'll hear a slide at the end of the second break... G|----|-----| D|----|-----| A|----|-----| E|0---|--6\0| x1 Bridge G|----------------| D|----------------| A|----------------| E|0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-| x1 Pre-chorus (palm muted) G|--------------------------------| D|--------------------------------| A|--------------------------------| E|0-2-0-2-0---0-2-0-2-0---0-2-0-2-| x10 Chorus G|--------------------------------| D|--------------------------------| A|--------------------------------| E|1-2-1-2-1---1-2-1-2-1---1-2-1-2-| x7 G|--------------------------------| D|--------------------------------| A|--------------------------------| E|1-2-1-2-1---1-2-1-2-1---6\0-----| x1 Be sure to make a big deal out of the slide. Break This part begins with guitar on its own, so just play the same as for the guitar as in, hit the open E. Then: G|--------------------------------| D|--------------------------------| A|--------------------------------| E|2-0-2-5---5-2-0-2-5---5-2-0-3-0-| x8 Outro This part is in 6/8 and played pretty slow, but I didn't know how else to tab it! Listen the song and make up your own mind, I think I got it pretty close. G|-------------------------| D|-------------------------| A|-------------------------| E|1--0----5--0h1--0----565-| x4 G|----------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------| E|1-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-5-5-5-0-1-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-5-6-5-| x2 normal, x2 palm muted Structure: Vocal intro Verse Guitar break Verse Bridge Pre-chorus Chorus Verse Second guitar break Verse Bridge Pre-chorus Chorus Guitar break Break Outro | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ===============================================================================