American Woman by Guess Who ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chords: E A7 B7 G A o[----- [--3-- [-4--- [--4-- o[----- o[----- [-1--- o[----- o[----- [-3--- [1---- [-1--- [-3--- o[----- [-1--- [-3--- [-1--- [1---- o[----- [-2--- [-2--- o[----- [-2--- [-2--- o[----- o[----- o[----- x[----- [--3-- o[----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verse 1: -------- E A7 American woman, gonna mess your mind. E A7 E American woman, she gonna mess your mind. Mmmm --- E A7 E American woman, gonna mess your mind. Unhhh! E A7 American woman, gonna mess your mind. (ad lib spelling A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N using the the same chord progression.) Repeat Verse 1. This is the strum pattern for the rest of the song: E G,A E A,G E G,A E ///////// // ///////// // ///////// // /////// (The A & G chords are switched periodicaly.) Verse 2: -------- G A E G A E G A E A G E G,A E American woman, stay away from me. American woman, momma let me be. E A, G E G,A Don't come a hangin' around my door, I don't wanna see your face no more. E A G E A I got more important things to do, than spend my time growin' old with you. G E G A E A G E G A E Now woman, I said stay away. American woman, listen what I sa-----y. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the verses are very similar to verse 2, with subtle changes. Enjoy! This song's a little tough, but it gets easy w/practice! -Nate