Black Dog by Led Zeppelin h=hammer on p=pull off G--------5-7h9-5h7p5--5-------------] D----567--7---------77-7-5-77-------] A---7---7--------------------5-7-5--] x3 E-------------------------------7-55] then G----------] D--------5-] A----567--7] x3 E---7---7--] next G---------------5-7h9-5h7p5--5-------------] D-----------567--7---------77-7-5-77-------] A----567-5-6---7--------------------5-7-5--] E---7----------------------------------7-55] what I have here I think is correct. there are soma other parts I havent quite figured out but as soon as I do I will put tham on.this is also my first tab. (ENJOY) More people should listen to led zeppelin because there one of the greatest bands ever. Its too bad that their basist and drummer died :(