Im Afraid Of Americans by David Bowie Song: "I'm Afraid of Americans" Artist: David Bowie/ Reeves Gabrels Album: Earthling (1997) Standard five- string tuning: B, E, A, D, G This is real easy to play, so have a hell of a lot of fun. There are only two parts to this: Opening: G: D: A: E: B: 2 0 2 0~~ (That's easy enough, right? Here's more) Chorus: "I'm afraid of Americans........." G: D: 3 1 1 A: 3 3 3 E: 1 1 1 1 B: Heavy pecussion part: G: D: 3 1 A: 3 3 E: 1 1 B: Listen to the song for repeats and counting; don't worry. If you actually play this instrument, it's no problem. If you DO have any problems, e- mail me and just try to piss me off by saying I am wrong. Have a good day and a few beers on me.