
Beautiful Girls

Sean Kingston

Text File

so i was looking around for these tabs online and no one seemed to have them. so i fooled around a little and made these. im pretty sure theyre in the right pitch, i havent tryed to play them along with the song yet so im not sure. ***the octive higher version sounds much more better than the lower one, but choose you care for better.*** heres the octive higher version STANDARD TUNING G:----------------------------------------------------------------|I D:5-5--0-4-5-5--5-4-2-2---0-2-2--2-0-----2-0-0--0-4-5-5--0-4-5-5--|I A:----------------------2------------3-3--------------------------|I E:----------------------------------------------------------------|I heres the lower version TUNE E DOWN TO B G:---------------------------------------------------------------------|I D:---------------------------------------------------------------------|I A:---------------------------------------------------------------------|I B:7-7--2-6-7-7--7-6-4-4--0-2-4-4--4-2-0-0--0-4-2-2--2-6-7-7--2-6-7-7---|I if you have any changes or comments about this tabs feel free to email me at thanks.
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