
Praise Ye The Lord The Almighty


Text File

Praise Ye The Lord, The Almighty Written by: Joachim Neander, Lobe Den Herren, Catherine Winkworth Tabbed By: Xaxu Tuning: Standard I take no credit for this tab. I could not find the one who made this tab, credit goes to them. Info: Key of G VERSE 1 G D G Bm C D7 G Praise ye the Lord, the Al-might-y, the King of cre-a - tion! G D G Bm C D7 G O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and sal-va-tion! G C G D All ye who hear, Now to His tem-ple draw near, D7 Em C-D7 G Join me in glad ad-o-ra - tion! VERSE 2 G D G Bm C D7 G Praise ye the Lord, who o�er all things so won-drous-ly reign-eth, G D G Bm C D7 G Shel-ters thee un-der His wings, yea, so gen-tly sus-tain-eth! G C G D Hast thou not seen How thy de-sires e�er have been D7 Em C-D7 G Grant-ed in what He or-dain - eth? VERSE 3 G D G Bm C D7 G Praise ye the Lord, who with mar-vel-ous wis-dom hath made thee! G D G Bm C D7 G Decked thee with health, and with lov-ing hand guid-ed and stayed thee, G C G D How oft in grief Hath not He brought thee re-lief, D7 Em C-D7 G Spread-ing His wings for to shade thee! VERSE 4 G D G Bm C D7 G Praise ye the Lord! O let all that is in me a-dore Him! G D G Bm C D7 G All that hath life and breath, come now with prais-es be-fore Him! G C G D Let the A-men Sound from His peo-ple a-gain, D7 Em C-D7 G C G Glad-ly for aye we a-dore Him. A � men.
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