Holy Live by Shane Bernard This will give you an idea of the chords. Of course he does lots more fancy stuff, but I dont have time to tab it all right now so hopefully you can figure it out starting with these chords. D xx0232 Dsus xx0233 D2 xx0230 D2/C# x4x230 G/B x20032 hammer on x20033 then off again G 3x0033 D/F# 200230 Em7 022033 A x02200 hammer on 2nd string 2->3 then 1st string 0->2->3->2->0 Intro and verses: D D2/C# G/B D G D/F# Em7 A Chorus: B#m x24432 B#m2 x24422 G 3x0033 D5 xx0235 A5 xx0225 G5 3x0005 B#m B#m2 G holy B#m B#m2 G holy B#m B#m2 G D/F# A (picking) holy as You are D5 A5 G5 (picking) D5 A5 G5 (picking) ho - ly, ho - ly, D5 A5 G5 (picking) D5 A5 G5 (picking) ho - ly, ho - ly B#m A G A You give me mercy B#m A G A You give me grace B#m A G C/F# Em7 (picking) You give me mercy, mercy, mercy www.TAB6.com