You Are What You Love by Jenny Lewis With The Watson Twins C#m, F#m, B, E This is no great illusion When I'm with you I'm looking for a ghost Or invisible reasons To fall out of love and run screaming from our home E, A, F#m, B Because we live in a house of mirrors We see our fears and everything Our songs, faces, and second hand clothes E, A, F#m , B But more and more we're suffering Not nobody, not a thousand beers Will keep us from feeling so all alone C#m, B, E, F#m But you are what you love And not what loves you back C#m, B, E That's why I'm here on your doorstep Pleading for you to take me back C#m, F#m, B, E The phone is a fine invention It allows me to talk endlessly to you About nothing disguising my intentions Which I'm afraid, my friend, are wildly untrue C#m, B, E, F#m It's a sleight of hand, a white soul band The heart attacks I'm convinced I have Every morning upon waking C#m, B, E, F#m To you I'm a symbol or a monument Your rite of passage to fufillment But I'm not yours for the taking C#m, B, E, F#m But you are what you love And not what loves you back C#m, B, E So I guess that's why you keep calling me back B, E, F#m, E C#m, B, E, F#m I'm fraudulent, a thief at best A coward who paints a bullshit canvas Things that will never happen to me C#m, B, E But at arms length, it's Tim who said I'm good at it, I've mastered it Avoiding, avoiding everything C#m, B, E, F#m But you are what you love, Tim And not what loves you back F#m And I'm in love with illusions B So saw me in half F#m I'm in love with tricks B E So pull another rabbit out of your hat Visit