A Modern Way Of Letting Go by Idlewild This is the intro for a modern way of letting go by idlewild. ---------------------]-----------------]------------------------- ---------------------]-----------------]------------------------- ---------------------]-----------------]------------------------- --------4-4-4----2-2-]------7-7-7------]------7-7-7-------------- --4-----4-4-4----2-2-]------7-7-7------]------7-7-7-------------- --0~2---2-2-2-0--0-0-]-0~5--5-5-5-0-0-0]-0~5--5-5-5------#------- Pick scrape Use alternate picking throughout this part, fretting the initial c# with your third finger and hammering on with your first. Fret the A5 in the same way, lifting your fingers just of the fretboard to damp the strings for the staccato in the last bar. Submited by JohnFQ@Hotmail.com www.TAB6.com