Pablo Picasso Acoustic by Citizen Cope this is an acoustic version that clearance plays. watch at --------- --------- ---------| -1------- x8 --------- x4 ---------| x4 -1------- -3------- -3-------| -3------- -1------- -2-------| -3------- -3------- -3-------| --------- --------- ---------| after the chorus start playing these ---------- --------- ---------| -1-------- x8 --0------ x4 --1------| x4 -1-------- --3------ --3------| -3-------- --1------ --2------| -3-------- --3------ --3------| -1-------- --------- ---------| yeah thats it. pretty much the whole song. i reccomend watching the video, so you can see what kind of fingering to use and there is a little thing he does after each strum.